NPI NEPA & Sect 4(f) seminars–Oct 7-10–Lansing, MI

The National Preservation Institute, a nonprofit organization founded in 1980, educates those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage. The 2013-2014 National Preservation Institute seminar schedule is available online at The 2013-2014 NPI News Release includes the calendar and seminar descriptions

Advance registration rate available through August 28, 2013
These seminars are being held in cooperation with the
Michigan State Historic Preservation Office

NEPA Compliance and Cultural Resources
Lansing, MI — October 7-8, 2013

Learn about environmental impact analysis, cultural resource management, and historic preservation responsibilities and relationships. Assess practical applications for effectively integrating the analyses required by the National Environmental Policy Act, related environmental regulations, and the National Historic Preservation Act. An agenda is available online at

Section 4(f) Compliance for Historic Properties
Lansing, MI — October 9-10, 2013

Section 4(f) of the DOT Act of 1966 is triggered by projects funded or approved by a U.S. DOT agency that propose the use of historic property or land from a publicly owned park, recreation area, or refuge. Examine the stringent approval standards of this substantive law and discuss ways to better integrate and streamline Sections 4(f) and 106 with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. An agenda is available online at

Instructor. Joe Trnka, AICP, CEP, NEPA specialist with Kirkham Michael; specializes in NEPA, Section 106, and Section 4(f) projects

LA/CES. These seminars meet the criteria for programs in the American Society of Landscape Architects Continuing Education System and ASLA members will receive 6 learning units each day.

Registration. A registration form is available online at Advance registration rate available through August 29, 2013

Questions? Please contact us. Thank you.

Jere Gibber
Executive Director
National Preservation Institute
P.O. Box 1702, Alexandria, VA 22313
703/765-0100; 703/768-9350 fax;

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