About Us

The Michigan Alliance for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage is a statewide 501(c)(3) organization composed of libraries, archives, museums, historical societies and preservation networks that was founded in October 1988 with the support of the Michigan Humanities Council. The purpose is to promote the protection and preservation of Michigan’s cultural and humanities resources for the enjoyment, education and benefit of present and future generations. Cultural resources include archival materials, records, objects, artifacts of every day life, historic sites, buildings and landscapes held privately or publicly or collected by libraries, archives and museums.

The Alliance’s efforts are unique because it unites the broadest interests representing cultural heritage in Michigan. Most state-based groups focus on more similar disciplines rather than all encompassing such as ours. The Michigan Alliance is run by a Board of Directors.

The goals of the Michigan Alliance are to:

  • Raise awareness among Michigan citizens of the value of and necessity to preserve and protect our cultural resources.
  • Advocate the protection and preservation of cultural resources in professional workshops and public forums.
  • Support actions by individuals, organizations and government to ensure the vitality and protection of our cultural heritage.
  • Promote, sponsor and facilitate education and training in conservation of cultural resources and historic artifacts.

The Michigan Alliance:

  • provides a Disaster Resource Center with updated information on planning, mitigation and recovery.
  • provides a list of suppliers for services and equipment for conservation, preservation, and disaster preparedness.

Contact us at any time: info@macch.org